Thursday, September 11, 2008

'm happy now

it's so nice to be happy...shalala

'm happy now! after days of pains and heartaches, i've now gained my old self! whew! that was real hard! it really started this week. the sermon i listened to last day helped a lot. it discusses about HOPE - THE ANCHOR OF THE SOUL. this means...

(I) GOD's means of COMFORT and ENCOURAGE in our lives

(II) GOD's means of COMPANIONSHIP in our lives

(III) GOD's means of CONTROL in our lives

truly, when we have God on our side, everything will go smoothly in His own perfect time. just trust HIM.

'would like also to thank JULIANA DEWI K. who brighten up my day..thanks for the greeting.. :)

1 comment:

Juliana Dewi Kartikawati said...

I'm happy for you if your sadness has gone.Keep your spirit up!!